KEY COMMANDS All the key commands for CopyPaste are based on holding down the command key while typing a couple other letters or numbers. The command key must be held down continuously while you type the other keys. In the following we use # = any number from 0 to 9 • to Show/Hide the Palette: type ‘⌘ C P’ (previous location) or ‘⌘ C Click’ (new location) • to Show/Hide the Clip Recorder Palette: type ‘⌘ C R’ • to get Help: type ‘⌘ C H’ • to Copy: type ‘⌘ C or ⌘ C #’ • to Cut: type ‘⌘ X or ⌘ X #’ • to Paste: type ‘⌘ V or ⌘ V #’ • to add to the Clip Archives: type ‘⌘ C space’ or ‘⌘ C space #’ • to change the active Clip Set: You can activate one of the ten Clip Sets by typing F10 + #. This hotkey only works when the option "Use F2,F3, F4 Keys" is active (in the preferences). • to use the Original clipboard: type ‘⌘ C C’ returns to old Mac clipboard in cases where it is needed • to remove the CopyPaste submenus temporarily: Hold down the option or or shift or control key while selecting the menu • to load the datafork of a file: -drag the file to the Palette while pressing the command key. • to cut with the Palette: Option click on C buttons on the Palette • to append text to existing text in the clipboard: Shift click on C buttons on the Palette. • to paste and clear the clipboard: Option click on P buttons on the Palette. • to delete a clipboard: Option click on that clipboard on the Palette. • to load a Clip Archive into the current clipboard: Option select the Clip Archive from the drop down menu. • Utilities can be given a key command in the CopyPaste Preferences in the Utilities Setup area.